“I want ancestral rites number 6″… beyond imagination ‘marriage conditions’ Requested Cast (‘Couples Palace’)


[TV Report = Reporter Kim Hyun-seo] It has been confirmed that for single men and women these days, lifestyle is as important as qualifications as a marriage condition for finding a life-long partner.

With Mnet’s mega-couple matching survival show ‘Couple Palace’ starring 100 single men and women, the first Korean dating program, to premiere on the 30th, these cast members are attracting attention by offering unique marriage conditions.

Mnet ‘Couple Palace’ is a huge couple matching survival show that will be a microcosm of the 2024 marriage market. It features 100 single men and women seeking the perfect marriage and tells a realistic couple matching story. It is expected that 100 single men and women of various charms will set out to find a partner they want to spend the rest of their lives by revealing their appearance, economic power, lifestyle, and unpredictable marriage conditions.

‘Couples Palace’ On the 16th, the agency raised expectations by pre-releasing some of the participants’ conditions, appearances, and specifications through a format teaser video. The released video shows everything that can be met at the marriage information company (determination company), from an office worker at a large company who graduated from Seoul National University, an energetic ice hockey coach, a tax accountant for the youngest son of an accounting firm, a lone lawyer from a family of doctors, a singer-songwriter stock man, and a French musician looking for love. All types of ideal types appear and capture attention.

In the scene that followed, the appearance of a beautiful freelance announcer, a tall physique lawyer, and an asset worth more than 10 billion won in annual sales was predicted. In addition, the extremely realistic yet unimaginable ‘conditions for marriage’ were revealed, adding to the interest. One performer emphasized the conditions, “I don’t like the YOLO people,” and “I want 6 ancestral rites,” while another contestant put forward the condition of wanting to live in the Seoul area. In addition, “Please understand my whining”Conditions of marriage that cannot be given up, such as those that cannot be given up, appeared, heralding raw and unmodified fun.

An interesting point is that ‘lifestyle’ played a large role as a priority condition in choosing a marriage partner. It captures trends in the marriage market that should not be missed at the moment by presenting multiple conditions that reflect not only specifications such as salary, age, and appearance, but also one’s own lifestyle. In ‘Couple Palace’, “I want to eat breakfast together at 8 o’clock.” Detailed conditions such as “Eat breakfast alone”are attracting attention, and the appearance of male and female performers with conflicting conditions such as “Eat breakfast alone”is adding to the interest. In this way, ‘lifestyle’ is considered the most important by the performers. It raises curiosity about how the conditions will lead to customized matching.

Meanwhile, at ‘Couple Palace’, one person you like will be given a ‘pick’ Following the ‘speed train’ where you press a button, 50/50 speed dating with 2,500 meeting possibilities, Palace Week where only matched couples can go, and even the final proposal, ‘couple It is expected to stimulate special excitement by capturing Palace’s unique journey. Above all, it is raising expectations for the first broadcast by predicting the highest matching rate with the largest number of people in the history of a dating program.

Mnet’s ‘Couple Palace’, a matching survival show of 100 couples looking for the perfect marriage partner, will premiere at 10 PM on January 30.

Reporter Kim Hyun-seo khs@tvreport.co.kr / Photo = Mnet ‘Couple Palace’

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