‘I’m Solo’ 16th season, high-stakes battle again… Sang-cheol “Sue Young-sook, Yeong-cheol and Byun Hye-jin for defamation” [WhatIS]

Photo provided by SBS Plus capture
Photo provided by SBS Plus capture

The high-stakes battle began again in the 16th episode of ‘I’m Solo.’ Sang-cheol announced that he would file a complaint for defamation regarding the suspicions surrounding him. Previously, controversy arose when another performer also announced that he would sue for defamation, and the noise surrounding the 16th season of ‘I am Solo’ continues.

Sangcheol said on his SNS on the 21st, “I plan to file a complaint with the police against the 16th class Youngsook, Yeongcheol, and Byun Hyejin of Dolsingles for defamation by spreading false information.” At the same time, he said, “Recently, the 16th class Youngsook, Youngcheol, and Byun Hye-jin of Dole Singles have been indiscriminately spreading false information about me through interviews, SNS, etc.” and “The act of indiscriminately spreading obviously false information is a very serious crime under the criminal law.” explained.

On the 20th, Young-sook revealed the obscene messages she shared with Sang-cheol, and on the 15th, Byun Hye-jin appeared on a YouTube channel and revealed with Young-cheol, “Sang-cheol was straddling her when they were dating.” There has been controversy.

Sang-cheol said, “Even at the moment of writing, my mind is filled with the thought that my decision will put pressure on the viewers and production staff,” and “It is also true that I hesitate because I feel guilty. “However, neglecting the situation can also lead to encouraging the situation, so we are informing you of the filing of a complaint.”

Photo provided by SBS Plus capture
Photo provided by SBS Plus capture

Previously, ‘I’m Solo’ was controversial due to misunderstandings accumulating due to ‘brain official’ etc. In addition, Ok-sun and Young-sook showed conflict throughout the broadcast, which almost led to a legal dispute, but an incident occurred that ended in a dramatic reconciliation.

At that time, Ok-sun sniped at Young-sook and said, “You need to correct me from the beginning by labeling me as a strange person. If you leave it alone, it’s only for a moment that you become a strange person on TV. “Any viewers who watched the 16th episode of ‘I’m Solo’ know this,” she said, adding, “I will go into full defamation with a large law firm,” she warned.

Reporter Yoo Ji-hee can be reached at yjhh@edaily.co.kr

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