‘Like gold’ Mom of four-year-old twins, “At some point, she threw an object” Severe depression… Oh Eun-young was also surprised! [Yesterday TV]


[OSEN=Reporter Kim Ye-sol] A mother who was tired of raising four-year-old twins appeared.

In Channel A’s ‘My Baby These Days, Parenting Is Golden’, which aired on the 19th, a mother who was exhausted from raising children and was highly depressed and her four-year-old twin sisters appeared.

On this day, the four-year-old twins cried until their mom and dad listened to their demands, and eventually mom and dad looked tired of the children. Mom went out with her twin daughters. A MUM threw her items in a tantrum as her children cried and looked for her smartphone, scaring those around her. Mom said, “I don’t want to come out because of this.” “Don’t be annoying,”she said, making her stare.


As my mother met and talked with her close sister, she shed tears, saying, “I got so angry.” Mom said, “The teacher said that these kids are so good at the daycare center and that there are no kids who are as obedient as them.” “This makes me feel like a liar,” she said.

Mom said, “I didn’t know my personality was like this.” But when I came to my senses, at some point I threw an object and broke it. So, Hyeonta has arrived,” he said, drawing attention. Dr. Oh Eun-young looked at this with sadness. Mom said, “I don’t know when it started.” “She shouldn’t throw again tomorrow, but she’s thrown again,”she said.


The mother said, “My husband and I never fought before raising children. She actually hates fighting. “She hates emotional exhaustion,” she said. Dr. Eunyoung Oh said sadly, “I feel so sad when I look at the children.”

On this day, the twins’ mother and father talked after putting their children to bed. The mother couldn’t eat a single meal because she was busy taking care of her twins, and even her voice became hoarse, which caught her attention. Dad said, “You didn’t do that at first. “If there were no children, there would be no fighting,” he said. Mom said, “I’m going to go crazy.” “We talk to the psychiatrist, but we can’t go to him on our own,” she said, drawing attention.


Dr. Oh Eun-young said, “Mom shouldn’t do that. “But even though she knows she shouldn’t, she has to figure out situations in her daily life where she has no choice but to do that,”she said. The mother said, “I’m frustrated and angry because I’m fighting so hard with my husband, and I want to give up everything.””She ended up fighting, throwing and swearing,” she said.

Dr. Oh Eun-young said that the mother suffered from severe parenting depression. Dr. Oh Eun-young said, “It’s not because they’re not good at raising children, but because they want to raise them very well. But there seems to be a sense of failure and frustration that things don’t work out as well as I thought. “I feel like I’m blind in this respect,” she advised.
[Photo: Channel A ‘My baby is like a golden child in parenting these days’ Broadcast capture]

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