Madonna, the ‘king of tardiness’, was sued again for being 2 hours late for her concert. “Unconscionable” [Hollywood Behind]


[News Reporter Lee Min-ji]

Pop star Madonna was sued for being late to a concert.

According to local media such as Variety on January 18 (local time), Madonna was sued by some fans for starting her concert late.

Michael and Jonathan, who live in New York City, recently sued Madonna in federal court in Brooklyn, calling the accusations “unconscionable, unfair and deceptive.”

Madonna’s concert held in New York last December was originally scheduled to start at 8:30 p.m., but the performance did not begin until after 10:30 p.m.

Michael and Jonathan claim this is a breach of contract. They also pointed out that because the concert ended past midnight, transportation costs increased due to the inability to use public transportation.

Madonna’s lateness to performances has been repeated several times in the past, and fans criticized her, saying, “It is not only a violation of contract, but also false advertising.”

Madonna and the concert production company have not released any specific statement.

Minji Lee oing@ on the news

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