‘My Demon’ Kim Yoo-jung blames herself for the disappearance of Song Kang, what choice will she make at the end of despair?

Provided by Studio S and Binge Works
Provided by Studio S and Binge Works

[News Reporter Park Soo-in]

What kind of ending will ‘My Demon’ have?

The SBS Friday-Saturday drama ‘My Demon’ (directed by Kim Jang-han, written by Choi A-il, produced by Studio S and Binge Works) is about Do-hee (played by Kim Yoo-jung) and Gu-won (played by Song Kang), who face a tragic breakup following their past lives on January 20, ahead of the final episode. captured the moment.

In the last broadcast, the ‘devil’ Guwon saved Do Do-hee, who was killed by Noh Seok-min (played by Kim Tae-hoon), and chose to disappear. The salvation involved in human life and death ignites spontaneously. Do Do-hee’s sobs as she collapsed while holding on to the slowly disappearing salvation made viewers’ hearts tingle.

Meanwhile, the released photo shows Salvation just before it disappears. Salvation, who broke the ‘devil’s’ rules for Do Do-hee. Do-hee’s eyes are filled with unbearable sadness when she realizes that he saved her life by using his abilities. Do-hee embraces the salvation that slowly turns into black ash and disappears. Salvation’s face, a mixture of sadness and relief, leaves those who see it in despair.

Next, Do Do-hee’s appearance at a beach also attracts attention. Do Hee’s back looks infinitely lonely as she looks at the rippling sea. His despairing face, as if he had given up everything, adds to the sadness. In the previously released trailer, “Jung Gu-won, sign a contract with me. Do Do-hee’s monologue, “My wish is…”aroused curiosity, raising curiosity about what choice Do Do-hee will make as she once again blames herself for the sacrifice of salvation. Attention is focused on what kind of ending they will face.

The production team of ‘My Demon’ said, “Do Do-hee, will Salvation be able to break away from the misfortunes of her past life? Will Salvation’s promise to create a ‘happy ending’ never come true? Don’t miss the final destination of these fates and join us. “Please do it,” he said. Broadcast at 9:50 pm on the 20th. (Photo = Provided by Studio S and Binge Works)

On the news, Park Soo-in abc159@

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