“No premarital pregnancy, destiny” Lee Sang-yeop, the reason why he decided to marry his bride-to-be for only one year (Pyeon Restaurant) [Yesterday TV]

(Photo = KBS 2TV ‘Newly Released Pyeon Restaurant’ capture)
(Photo = KBS 2TV ‘Newly Released Pyeon Restaurant’ capture)
(Photo = KBS 2TV ‘Newly Released Pyeon Restaurant’ capture)
(Photo = KBS 2TV ‘Newly Released Pyeon Restaurant’ capture)
(Photo = KBS 2TV ‘Newly Released Pyeon Restaurant’ capture)
(Photo = KBS 2TV ‘Newly Released Pyeon Restaurant’ capture)

[Reporter Lee Ha-na for Newsen]

Lee Sang-yeop, who is scheduled to get married in March of this year, revealed his affection for his bride-to-be.

On KBS 2TV’s ‘New Release Edition Restaurant’ broadcast on January 19, Lee Sang-yeop had a New Year’s party with chefs Jang Seong-gyu, Song Jin-woo, and Hwang Ha-neul.

Jang Seong-gyu and Song Jin-woo arrived at Chef Hwang Ha-neul’s restaurant after receiving an invitation from Lee Sang-yeop. After a warm greeting, Jang Seong-gyu asked Lee Sang-yeop, who is scheduled to get married in March, if he was busy preparing for his wedding. Lee Sang-yeop said, “It’s okay. (The bride-to-be) is thorough. I am so grateful and sorry. It seems like only this person is preparing for marriage. “Even though I was next to him, it didn’t help much,” he said.

Jang Seong-gyu, who married his elementary school friend in 2014 after a 10-year relationship while still a new employee, said, “I’m a poor husband, so my wife prepared almost everything. Hajun was born before I settled down. Thanks to Hajun, we were able to get married. Are you not like that? “Coma?” he asked.

Lee Sang-yeop said, “We are not in a coma. I decided to get married as naturally as water. You are the first to announce your marriage. “I think I was really nervous that day too,” she said, blocking suspicions of premarital pregnancy. Jang Seong-gyu said, “I remember the look in your eyes at that time. When you told me you were getting married, I saw hearts in your eyes. “I felt like you were really in love.”

Regarding the bride-to-be’s charms, Lee Sang-yeop responded that he only saw himself in them and said, “Now that I think about it, I guess I felt comfortable because everything matched what I thought. “If you were thinking, ‘I wish this person would do more like this and look like this,’ you might feel impatient, but that thought was completely absent, and I was signing autographs at the ceremony in a comfortable and natural way,” he said, expressing his affection.

Jang Seong-gyu also asked about plans for the second generation. Lee Sang-yeop said, “I think that if heaven gives us blessings, we will go naturally. “Because we came this naturally.” When Jang Seong-gyu, who celebrated his 10th wedding anniversary this year, defined his wife as the best friend in her life, Lee Sang-yeop sympathized, saying, “I felt like I was a best friend too.” Jang Seong-gyu responded, “It’s been a year, but if it feels like this, it’s truly a fateful meeting.”

Lee Sang-yeop served homemade food to chefs Song Jin-woo and Hwang Ha-neul who arrived at the restaurant. Jang Seong-gyu said, “If Sang-yeop doesn’t act like me, she will receive a lot of love. Basically, she always adapts to the people around her. “When Sang-yeop gets married, she will succeed her senior Choi Soo-jong,” she praised.

Chefs Jang Seong-gyu, Song Jin-woo, and Hwang Ha-neul discovered the wedding ring on Lee Sang-yeop’s hand. Lee Sang-yeop said, “We got the wedding rings done very quickly. “Actually, I put it on because you and Jinwoo were wearing it,” he explained.

In the news, Lee Ha-na bliss21@

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