Purple Kiss adds Japanese performance to first tour since debut… global move

Photo = Provided by RBW
Photo = Provided by RBW

[News Reporter Hwang Hye-jin]

Group Purple Kiss (Nago-eun, Dosi, Ire, Yuki, Chae-in, Suan) is accelerating its global movement by adding a performance in Japan.

According to their agency RBW on January 19, Purple Kiss will hold a solo performance at TOYOSU PIT in Tokyo, Japan on the 28th, ‘PURPLE KISS 2024 The FESTA Tour in JAPAN’ (hereinafter ‘FESTA’) will be held.

‘FESTA’ is an extension of Purple Keys’ first tour held in 17 cities in the United States from October to November last year. It has been about 10 months since Purple Kiss performed solo in Japan.

The members prepared a total of two performances to connect with more local fans. As they are holding a solo performance in Japan following the United States, the world’s mainstream music market, this shows Purple Keys’ heightened status.

Purple Kiss plans to hold a purple festival befitting the performance title ‘FESTA’. In the new year of 2024, Purple Kiss plans to provide healing to fans with music and performances filled with bright and positive energy. Attention is focused on the special stage set by those who have mastered the title ‘Purkey Month’ (Purple Kiss+Performance) with live performances that are unwavering despite difficult choreography.

Purple Kiss’ solo performance ‘FESTA’ will be held twice on the 28th at 2pm and 6:30pm at Toyosu Fit in Tokyo, Japan.

In the news, Hwang Hye-jin blossom@

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