‘Retinitis pigmentosa’ Lee Dong-woo, “I feel uncomfortable when people ask me why I don’t appear on TV. I’ve never really been angry.” [Synthesis]


[Sports Chosun Reporter Jo Yoon-seon] Comedian Lee Dong-woo confessed that he once got angry at the words of rude people.

On the 19th, a video titled ‘Why isn’t it on TV?’ was released on Kim Kyung-sik and Lee Dong-woo’s YouTube channel ‘Udon Sali’.

On this day, Kim Kyung-sik said, “When ordinary people first come and greet celebrities, they mostly say things like, ‘Why aren’t you on TV?’ because there is no consensus.””I hear it a lot these days,” he said. Lee Dong-woo said, “That’s really rude.” “Actually, it’s a very uncomfortable thing to say,” he sympathized.

Lee Dong-woo said, “I answer a little differently each time, but I don’t even listen to those words anymore,”and added, “In the past, when I heard it a lot, I made excuses like, ‘I’m doing other things these days.’ I said it was my own little crisis and inconvenience, so I did something else to avoid it. But what else do you do? “I’m always at home,” he confessed.


He continued, “The other thing he said was with a bit of humor at the time, ‘If you look carefully, you’ll find it.’ “I think we talked like that a lot,” he said. “Sometimes, I said things mixed with emotions.” I feel so uncomfortable and unhappy, but whenever I hear such words anywhere, it doesn’t come out in a good way. So, he said, “I once asked, ‘Do you watch all the 24-hour TV programs?’” He said, “I regret it immensely.” But I was so angry at that time. “I got really angry because I heard those words a hundred or a thousand times,” he confessed.

Hearing this, Kim Kyung-sik was surprised and said, “You’re angry too,” and Lee Dong-woo said, “It was a long time ago.” Of course I don’t do that now, but I’m really embarrassed. “If he meets me again, I want to say he was truly sorry,” he said.

Kim Kyung-sik said, “Usually when I hear something like that, I’ll contact you when it comes out.”He said, “Sometimes I come out and say, ‘I forgot,’” and Lee Dong-woo laughed, saying, “I’ll have to use it.”

Meanwhile, Lee Dong-woo was diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa in 2004, and was diagnosed with blindness in 2010. However, he overcame his disability and became an “icon of hope,” including completing a triathlon and debuting as a jazz vocalist. He is currently communicating with fans through a YouTube channel with Kim Kyung-sik.


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