Shindong reveals secret dating know-how for idols “Disguised as girlfriend OO” (Single for Men)

Provided by SBS ‘Single for Men’
Provided by SBS ‘Single for Men’

[News Reporter Kim Myeong-mi]

Seo Jang-hoon, prodigy Lee Guk-joo, and Ra Seon-wook appear on ‘Single for Men’.

Megaton-level laughing figures and the great tiki-taka of SBS’ ‘Single for Men’ can be seen on SBS ‘Take Off Your Shoes, Single for Men’ on January 16th at 9 PM.

In a recent recording, when an unusually large signing room appeared, ‘Single for Men’ shrank their bodies and became smaller than ever, drawing laughter from the beginning. In particular, Seo Jang-hoon, the fifth member of ‘Single for Men’, made his fifth appearance as ‘Honorary Single’ Upon receiving the appointment, Lee Guk-ju urged Kim Jun-ho to retire, saying, “If there are people who come, there must also be people who go,”making everyone burst into laughter.

‘Single For Men’ and the big signing room talk about ‘the good things about being together’. They revealed, “Because we are similar in size, we share information on fashion brands that we can wear,” and devastated the scene by saying, “We are most envious of prodigies who can buy ready-made clothes at department stores.” Next, when the ‘Single For Men’ asked each other if there were any good things about being single, Seo Jang-hoon burst into laughter by saying, “I can get involved in both the big talk and the single talk.”

Ra Seon-wook, the youngest member of the show and known as the ‘King Flirting Craftsman’, is expected to attract attention by transforming into the popular side character ‘Moondoe’ and teaching him how to capture the hearts of the opposite sex. It is said that Ra Seon-wook impressed the watching ‘Dolsing for Men’ by showing off his Moon Pig-style flirting technique of confessing with an atmosphere rather than words, saying, “The MZ generation does not confess with words.”

Meanwhile, Super Junior’s Shindong reveals the secret behind how he was able to have a secret relationship in the past without being discovered. When Shindong said that no one would suspect if he disguised his girlfriend as ‘this’ and walked one step at a time, ‘Single for Men’ pointed at Seo Jang-hoon and pointed out, “Jang-hoon’s method is impossible.”It made me laugh.

Myungmi Kim on the news mms2@

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