SHINee’s Key, the reason for leaving the late Jonghyun’s spot on stage… “I got used to it” (Idol debut)


(Xports News Reporter Shin Hyun-ji) SHINee’s Key talked about the situations that arise while working as a four-member group.

On the 18th, on YouTube’s ‘Wonder K Original’, ‘Why are you curious about the key massager? A video titled ‘I’m really curious about my album!’ was uploaded.

SHINee’s Key, who made a comeback with the title song ‘Good & Great’, appeared as a guest on ‘Idol Launch’.


On this day, one fan said, “When I talk, I often see Taemin alone (while Key and Minho are together). Most people say things like, ‘Key and Minho are soulmates,’ ‘The chemistry between an old couple is great,’ and ‘Taemin is like a cute cat.’ “There was,” he said.

At the same time, the fan said that the reason Minho, Key, and Taemin were separated from each other was because that relationship originally belonged to Jonghyun. In response, Key mentioned Jonghyun’s empty seat, saying, “After maintaining a 5-member formation for almost 10 years, I feel like I’m standing there without even realizing it.”

Key said, “There is a gap. This cannot be helped.” He said, “It wasn’t intentional, but there is a formation that we have become accustomed to. Isn’t it amazing? We are also amazed.”


In addition, Key also spoke about his ‘financial philosophy.’ Key says he knows finance well because his father was a bank branch manager. In fact, there is a famous anecdote that four SHINee members were listening when Key explained about savings.

Key opened his mouth by saying, “My financial philosophy is that I don’t want to lose anything. I think I have a successful life if I just maintain the principal while receiving the safest interest rate.”

In addition, Key honestly confessed, “There may be individual circumstances, but I don’t do much in coins, stocks, investment, or speculation.”

Key talked about the song ‘Ring Ding Dong’, which was banned from the CSAT. He burst out laughing when he saw a fan leave a comment saying, “Minho took the college entrance exam while singing ‘Ring Ding Dong’ and proudly entered Konkuk University on time.”

Key then laughed and said, “Because it was his song, he didn’t listen to it that much. He just didn’t ruin his CSAT.”Key also said about her hit song ‘Lucifer’, “I remember back then, I got the lyrics and was like, ‘What does this mean?’ “I did it,” she said, recalling the embarrassing situation.

Photo = Wonder K Original YouTube

Reporter Hyunji Shin

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