‘Singer Gain 3’ Lee Isaac Hong became the winner of 300 million won in prize money..Final winner [Comprehensive]

[Star News | [Reporter Ahn Yun-ji]

/Photo = JTBC 'Singer Gain 3' broadcast capture
/Photo = JTBC ‘Singer Gain 3’ broadcast capture

‘Singer Gain Season 3 – Unknown Singer Competition’ concluded with Hong Isaac’s victory.

On the 18th, JTBC’s ‘Singer Gain Season 3 – Unknown Singer Competition’ (hereinafter ‘Singer Gain 3’) ended. While the colorful performances of singers left a deep impression, the final winner was Hong Isak, with Soo Soo-bin in second place and EJel in third place. The viewership rating on this day was 7.6% based on Nielsen Korea’s metropolitan area and 7.3% among paid households nationwide. The viewership rating for men and women in the metropolitan area between 2049 and 2049 was 2.7%, ranking first among all Thursday broadcasts.

In the last episode, the second round of the final, a free song round, was held. First, Seung-Yeop Choo earned 781 points from the judges by showing off his genre and charm with ‘Always By My Side’. Leejean, who selected & # 39; To You & # 39;, captured her ears by conveying emotion to the melody and earned 745 points.

Ezel, who fully enjoyed the stage and spread energy with ‘Let it be one page’, received 773 points, and Kang Seong-hee, who moved the viewers by passionately singing ‘Fly’, received 765 points. received. Next, Soobin Soo’s ‘One More Time’ made the judges, audience, and viewers fall in love with the song. Soobin Soo surprised everyone by immediately rising to first place with 787 points amidst rave reviews from her judges.

Shin Hae-sol showed off his skills in ‘Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter’ with dancers. She earned rave reviews from Lim Jae-beom for her three-line poem, “God gave only Haesol the soul,” and Shin Haesol scored 769 points. The last runner, Lee Isaac Hong, came on stage with & # 39; Song of the Wind & # 39; and resonated in her heart. Lee Isaac Hong’s score from the judges was 761 points.

As a result, the judges’ score rankings for the second round were decided as 1st place Soo-bin Soo, 2nd place Chu Seung-yeop, 3rd place Ezel, 4th place Shin Hae-sol, 5th place Kang Seong-hee, 6th place Hong I-sak, and 7th place Ri-jin. In addition, special stages by other famous singers produced by ‘Singer Gain 3’ Tejong, Chae Bo-hoon, Horim, Lim Ji-soo, Kim Soo-young, Son Ye-ji, and legendary judge Lim Jae-beom added meaning.

After combining the new song round in the first round of the final, the free song round in the second round, real-time text voting, online voting, and advance voting, the final winner was Lee Isaac Hong. Hong Isaac, who expressed his gratitude to his colleagues, family, fans, and production crew, expressed his overwhelming feelings, saying, “Now that I have won, I will work hard and do my best to live with that responsibility for the future journey.”

In this way, ‘Singer Gain 3’ highlights not only the protagonists of famous songs such as Yoo Jeong-seok, Jang Li-in, Raina, Lim Kang-seong, Kim Ji-su, and Seong Hoon, but also faces that have been seen for a long time and hidden masters that were not known before. It conveyed a message of courage and hope by capturing the challenges, competition, and growth of the participants who returned to the stage with earnest hearts.

It was especially fun with new attempts. The freshness was doubled by holding a new song round in the first round of the final, which featured new songs from famous producers, and a naming ceremony where the names of the TOP 10 were revealed in front of the audience for the first time in the previous season.

The sincerity of the judges in treating the contestants as fellow musicians and as seniors and juniors in the music industry was heartwarming. Among them, Lim Jae-beom, who debuted as a judge for the first time through ‘Singer Gain 3’, left a signature praise, “You did a great job,” and also touched the viewers with his warm review.

Reporter Ahn Yun-ji zizirong@mtstarnews.com

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