‘Singer Gain 3’ TOP 10 Seoul concerts, all tickets sold out 10 minutes after opening

(Photo = Insight, Music Farm)
(Photo = Insight, Music Farm)
(Photo = Insight, Music Farm)
(Photo = Insight, Music Farm)

[Reporter Lee Ha-na for Newsen]

‘Singer Gain 3’ All TOP 10 Seoul concert tickets are sold out.

‘2024 Singer Gain 3 TOP10 National Tour – Seoul’ reservations started at 7pm on January 19th. All 10,000 seats for the four performances were sold out within 10 minutes of ticket opening.

In this concert, ‘Singer Gain 3’ Including the winner Hong I-sak (No. 58), Soo-bin Soo (No. 49), Ezel (No. 66), Lee Jin (No. 68), Chae Bo-hoon (No. 40), Shin Hae-sol (No. 46), and Lim Ji-su (No. 27)., Choo Seung-yeop (No. 59), Kang Seong-hee (No. 25), and Ho-rim (No. 16) will feature singers who showed outstanding performance throughout the contest and made it to the final TOP 10.

The TOP 10 will communicate with the audience through diverse and special stages, including contest songs of joy and emotion shown on the air.

‘Singer Gain 3′ TOP 10 concert will meet fans from all over the country, starting with the Seoul performance held at the Olympic Hall in Olympic Park on March 9th and 10th.

Meanwhile, the ticket reservation schedule for concerts outside of Seoul will be released sequentially.

In the news, Lee Ha-na bliss21@

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