‘Talk Partner 25 Hours’ former announcer Jeon Hyun-moo, humiliated by literacy quiz [T-Day]

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[TV Daily Reporter Kim Jin-seok] ‘Talk Partner 25 Hours’ embarrasses former announcer-turned-broadcaster Jeon Hyun-moo.

The JTBC entertainment program ‘Talk Partner 25 Hours’, which will be broadcast on the 9th, will feature a tour of the Strahov Monastery Library in the Czech Republic, ranked 15th among CNN’s ‘World’s Most Beautiful Libraries’, as well as a tour of tourist attractions near Taipei, the capital of Taiwan. In addition, a literacy quiz will be held to commemorate Hangul Day.

First, Czech Talk Partner, trusted by MC Lee Chan-won, prepares a special library tour to welcome fall, the season of reading. We visit the Strahov Monastery Library, ranked 15th among the ‘world’s most beautiful libraries’ by CNN. Although filming inside is prohibited, thanks to Talkpawon’s unique connections, ‘Talkpawon 25 Hours’ will show the Strahov Library for the first time on air.

Next, Taiwan Tokpawon visits Beitou, a hot spring village located near the capital Taipei. The ‘Geothermal Valley’, which is full of sulfuric smoke all year round and is reminiscent of hell, creates a wonderful scenery as steam rises at a hot temperature of 75 degrees. There are also exhibits inside the museum that allow visitors to experience the bathhouse indirectly, providing unique fun.

In the beautiful port city of Tamsui, unique foods will be introduced to stimulate the five senses. From Taiwan’s top star Jay Chou’s favorite restaurant ‘Agay’ to cute ice cream reminiscent of a real dog, a variety of foods stimulate the MC’s salivary glands.

On this day, a literacy quiz will be held at the studio to celebrate Hangul Day. As the question was released and incorrect answers poured in among the cast, only Jeon Hyun-moo, a former announcer, showed a relaxed attitude, saying, “It’s too easy.”However, he faces great humiliation due to an unexpected wrong answer, and one wonders what the problem was that embarrassed Jeon Hyun-moo.

‘Talk Partner 25:00′ will be broadcast at 8:50 pm on the 9th.

[TV Daily Reporter Kim Jin-seok news@tvdaily.co.kr/Photo provided by JTBC]

TalkPawon 25:00

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