‘The Man Who Sees Ghosts’, the main character with 13 million views… To Lee Soo-geun, “Do you have something to decide?” [Ask]


[My Daily = Reporter Park Yun-jin] In the 236th episode of KBS Joy’s ‘Ask Anything’, the ‘man who sees ghosts’, who recorded about 13 million views on YouTube, returned and visited the ‘Guardian Spirit’ who is said to be behind the two Bodhisattvas Seo Jang-hoon and Lee Soo-geun that he mentioned during his first visit. Confidence your concerns along with the existence of ‘.


Lee Soo-geun, who welcomed the return visit of ‘The Man Who Sees Ghosts’, who appeared as the first protagonist of ‘Ask Anything’, which will continue with a special feature on the current status of popular performers for 5 weeks, saying, “Have you come, Bodhisattva?”, “It is the highest number of views with about 13 million. “It’s a record,” he said, introducing the storyteller of ‘the best output of anything.’

In response to Seo Jang-hoon’s question, “How have you been?” , the storyteller, who introduced his current situation by saying that he still visits often for counseling, honestly confessed the reason for his return visit.

The two Bodhisattvas asked in unison, “Have you ever had a strange experience looking after people?” and Lee Soo-geun, who was surprised to hear the shocking episode of ‘The Man Who Sees Ghosts,’ responded, “There are really strange things happening,” while asking the storyteller about his last visit. I asked again about the existence of the guardian spirit that I had mentioned before.

The storyteller, who held Lee Soo-geun’s hand to check his guardian spirit, asked Lee Soo-geun, “Soo-geun, do you have something to decide?”Lee Soo-geun responded in surprise at the client’s question.

It is said that Seo Jang-hoon also wondered, “Who was I?” to the storyteller explaining the reality of the guardian spirit and the reason, and laughed out loud at the storyteller’s unexpected answer. 


In addition, an artist who was defrauded of 60 million won due to constant financial demands and threats after cohabiting with her ex-boyfriend and is currently living in a gosiwon, and an American woman in her 40s who is worried about not dating well despite her impressive height and fluent Korean skills. The story of a man who works three days a week and wants to come to his senses after receiving some good advice will also be introduced.

Broadcast at 8:30 pm on the 9th. 

[‘Ask Anything’ Episode 236 Preview./ KBS Joy]

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