Wonyoung Jang, the ongoing war with Cyber ​​Wrecka… Taldeok Concentration Camp submitted an appeal to Gearco [MD Issue] (Comprehensive)

Ive Jang Won-young / My Daily Photo DB
Ive Jang Won-young / My Daily Photo DB

[My Daily = Reporter Seung-gil Lee] Group IVE (Ahn Yu-jin, Autumn Ray, Jang Won-young, Liz Lee Seo) Jang Won-young won the lawsuit for damages filed against Cyber ​​Wrecka YouTuber Taldeok Camp. However, her trial is expected to continue. This is because Mr. A, the operator of Taldeok Camp, submitted an appeal.

On the 21st of last month, the 210th Civil Division of the Seoul Central District Court (Chief Judge Park Ji-won) ruled in favor of some of the plaintiffs in the 100 million won damages lawsuit filed by Jang Won-young and her agency Starship against Mr. A, the operator of the Taldeok camp.

According to this, Mr. A must pay the money calculated at an annual rate of 12% until the day he repays the entire 100 million won, and must bear not only interest but also court costs during the lawsuit separately.

Jang Won-young and Starship sued Mr. A on charges of defamation and insult in addition to claiming damages. Additionally, a separate lawsuit is in progress regarding Starship’s defamation and interference with Starship’s business with false information about Jang Won-young.

Ive Jang Won-young / My Daily Photo DB
Ive Jang Won-young / My Daily Photo DB

On the 17th, Starship released an official statement regarding this, saying, “The Taldeok Camp has seriously defamed our reputation by continuously spreading false information, which not only interfered with our work but also caused serious pain to our artists and fans.””We are doing our best to hold them accountable in civil and criminal terms through the ongoing lawsuit,” he said.

Meanwhile, “Starship operates a constant monitoring system to protect the reputation, privacy, personality, etc. of its celebrities, and plans to take all possible legal measures without agreement in the future regarding defamation of artists and additional cases of damage.”He emphasized, “As the reports and materials provided by fans are greatly helpful to our company’s legal preparations and responses, we ask for continued reporting.”

However, the trial is expected to continue. This is because after the ruling in favor of the plaintiff was made, Mr. A submitted an appeal through his legal representative challenging the decision. Jang Won-young’s legal representative, lawyer Jeong Gyeong-seok, said in an interview with JTBC’s ‘Case Team Leader’ on the 18th, “Contrary to what is known, Mr. A was born in 1988, not 1976,”and added, “After the ruling was reported, Mr. A’s side “I have filed this appeal,” he said.

Attorney Jeong said, “In some ways, he may not have been aware that the ruling had been made,” and, “It appears that he submitted the appeal after the news reports were published, so it appears that he learned of the ruling belatedly and took action.”

Ive Jang Won-young / My Daily Photo DB
Ive Jang Won-young / My Daily Photo DB

Previously, Starship announced in July of last year that it was proceeding with civil and criminal lawsuits and overseas lawsuits against the Taldeok concentration camp. Starship is a target of ‘Cyber ​​Wrecka’ including Taldeok Camp. We are additionally verifying personal information on the operators, and together with Law Firm Liu, we have taken steps to significantly identify the operators, unlike existing lawsuits. Through this, we have taken steps to identify ‘Cyber ​​Wrecker’ including Taldeok Camp. It was also announced that operators would be held accountable.

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