Yoo Ji-tae “There was a battle of strength with a 2-ton jeep on the downhill road, I blocked it with both hands” (Salon Drip 2)

Salon Drip 2 Capture
Salon Drip 2 Capture
Salon Drip 2 Capture
Salon Drip 2 Capture

[News Reporter Jang Ye-sol]

Actor Yoo Ji-tae revealed an episode in which he almost got run over by a car.

Yoo Ji-tae, the main character of the Disney+ original series ‘Vigilante’, appeared as a guest in the web entertainment ‘Salon Drip 2’, which was released on November 21.

On this day, Jang Do-yeon shared an eyewitness account of a netizen who had seen Yoo Ji-tae in person, saying, “My sister saw Yoo Ji-tae, and if an accident happens between Spark and Yoo Ji-tae, the spark may go out.”

Yoo Ji-tae had a similar story and said, “Jeep was my dream car.” He parked on a hill to show off to his older brother, but there was a noise and the car started flowing. So he surprised me by saying, “I just blocked it with both hands.”

In the episode where there was a battle of strength with a Jeep weighing about 2 tons, Jang Do-yeon said, “Don’t lie. When asked in surprise, “Is this the Jeep we know?” Yoo Ji-tae said, “It’s the Jeep we know.” What would have happened? I almost got crushed. “I thought I was going to die,” he joked.

In response, Jang Do-yeon praised the humor, saying, “I gained a lot of wit even when I didn’t see him,” and Yoo Ji-tae said, “I thought my strength was strong.” “People are not for nothing,” he replied, causing laughter.

Meanwhile, ‘Vigilante’ is a model police student who protects the law during the day, but at night, he lives as a vigilante who personally judges criminals who have escaped the law, and tells the story of the people surrounding him with different goals. It’s an action thriller.

(Photo = Salon Drip 2 capture)

In the news, Jang Ye-sol imyesol@

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