Yoo Ji-tae, who gained 100kg weight, “A gangster with a lot of tattoos, looked at me and bowed 90 degrees” (Salon Drip 2)

Salon Drip 2 Capture
Salon Drip 2 Capture
Salon Drip 2 Capture
Salon Drip 2 Capture

[News Reporter Jang Ye-sol]

Actor Yoo Ji-tae revealed an anecdote about being greeted by a gangster.

Yoo Ji-tae, the main character of the Disney+ original series ‘Vigilante’, appeared as a guest in the web entertainment ‘Salon Drip 2’, which was released on November 21.

On this day, Yoo Ji-tae said that he played the role of Detective Jo Heon of Gwangsoo University in ‘Vigilante’ and that he had increased his weight for the role. Yoo Ji-tae, who weighed 100kg at the time of filming, was asked, “Has your shirt ever burst?”and replied, “It explodes a lot when I do action.””It becomes rags,” he answered, surprising people.

Jang Do-yeon asked, “Was there anyone you didn’t recognize after the increase in dosage?” Yoo Ji-tae said, “I was wearing a mask and going to the studio when people with tattoos suddenly saw me and bowed at 90 degrees, thinking they were gangsters. He made people laugh by saying, “I was greeted as if we were acquaintances and quickly ran away.”

Meanwhile, ‘Vigilante’ is a model police student who protects the law during the day, but at night, he lives as a vigilante who personally judges criminals who have escaped the law, and tells the story of the people surrounding him with different goals. It’s an action thriller.

(Photo = Salon Drip 2 capture)

In the news, Jang Ye-sol imyesol@

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