Yoon Seo-ryeong wrote a miraculous drama, defeated the winner Miss Kim and advanced to the 4th round (Miss Trot 3)

TV Chosun ‘Miss Trot 3’ capture
TV Chosun ‘Miss Trot 3’ capture

[News Reporter Ha Ji-won]

‘Miss Trot 3′ Seo-ryeong Yoon wrote a miraculous drama in which she defeated Miss Kim, a strong candidate for the championship.

TV Chosun’s ‘Miss Trot 3” aired on January 18th. In the 3rd round mission 1-on-1 death match, fierce battles filled with miracles and shocks took place.

In particular, the performance of Yoon Seo-ryeong, who defeated Miss Kim, the ‘second Song Ga-in’ and a candidate for the championship, was by far the best. Both the master and viewers expected Miss Kim to win, but Seo-ryeong Yoon overturned everyone’s expectations with her grown appearance and overwhelming stardom.

Miss Kim, who took the lead first, once again showed why she was a ‘winner candidate’ through the ‘Miss Go’ stage. His traditional trot sensibility and more than perfect singing ability were enough to thrill the scene.

However, when Yoon Seo-ryeong’s ‘Hani Baram’ stage began, the master and viewers were shocked. Seo-ryeong Yoon, who was inferior by all accounts, showed off her skills, which were 180 degrees different from the first and second rounds, with a performance filled with Asian beauty.

As a result, the masters who expected Miss Kim to win began to fall into a collective panic. Jang Yoon-jeong expressed relief to Yoon Seo-ryeong after finishing the stage, saying, “I had a dizzying thought that I wouldn’t have seen this stage if this friend hadn’t come up as a loser’s resurrection,” and Jang Min-ho said, “I finished it perfectly from the first verse. He expressed his admiration, saying, “The high notes, breathing, choreography, everything is A+.”

As a result of the third round 1-on-1 death match, just one vote meant the difference between life and death for the two. Yoon Seo-ryeong, who won, said, “I was very scared, but it was an honorable event. “She is grateful,” she said of her victory, announcing the birth of a new winner.

In the news, Ha Ji-won oni1222@

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