“A face that would be holding an axe” Kim Sook, past visual waves at the level of a thriller movie (Holmes) [Critical scene]

Photo = MBC entertainment ‘Save Me! ‘Holmes’
Photo = MBC entertainment ‘Save Me! ‘Holmes’
Photo = MBC entertainment ‘Save Me! ‘Holmes’
Photo = MBC entertainment ‘Save Me! ‘Holmes’

[News Reporter Seulgi Lee]

Kim Sook showed off her pose with a unique high school graduation photo.

MBC entertainment ‘Save Me!” aired on January 18th. Joo Woo-jae and Kyung-ri appeared as guests on ‘Holmes'(hereinafter ‘Holmes’).

On this day, Kyungri revealed that she and Kim Sook were seniors and juniors from her hometown. On the broadcast, graduation photos of two people who graduated from the same high school were shown side by side.

When Kim Sook’s dark-filled photo appeared, the studio responded, “Isn’t the one on the left a student from Battle Royale?”, adding to the laughter.

Yang Se-hyung said, “It looks like he’s holding an ax in his hand instead of a pen,” and Joo Woo-jae joked, “I’ll lose no matter what.”

Meanwhile, ‘Save me! Homes is stars who set out to find homes for busy modern people! This is their realistic foot-pum brokerage battle program.

(Photo = MBC entertainment ‘Save me! Holmes’)

In the news, Seulgi Lee reeskk@

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