A female star who wanted to leave something behind at the age of 35…introduces a nude photo book [Look@Japan]


[TV Report = Reporter Ahn Soo-hyun] Japanese model Otsuka Biru (34) announced the release of a nude photo book.

On the 19th (local time), Otsuka Biru attracted attention by announcing that she would release a nude photo book on social networking services and online channel community bulletin boards. He attracted attention by saying, “I will release a photo book on my birthday, March 18th.”

Biru Otsuka then talked about the contents of the photo book, saying, “It contains nudes. Wow. “I took off my clothes,” she said, explaining that it was a unique photo book. Also, “Furthermore, there are many photos in the photobook wearing swimming swimsuits. “I think this photo book is a new challenge,” she said, expressing her thoughts.

Regarding the reason for taking a nude photo book, Biru Otsuka said, “I wanted to build my confidence. She originally had the idea, “She wants to do it someday,”and she said, “When she celebrated her 34th birthday, she said, ‘I want to do it someday.’ “She felt like she wanted to leave something behind,” she explained.

Also, “There are many people who think nude photos are a negative image. ‘I’m going to be pushed to the edge of a cliff’, ‘I have nothing to do now, so I have no choice but to take my clothes off’ “There are many speculations, but I hope I can express it in a way that doesn’t come off as negative at all,” he said, expressing his firm thoughts.

Meanwhile, Biru Otsuka said in an online video, “You can still be hated. She shed tears as she expressed her anxiety about her fans’ reactions, saying, “The fans might be embarrassed.”She said, “It’s not that I really don’t like (nudity). Emphasizing, “I really like it and want to do it as one of my expressions,”she also expressed her aspirations, saying, “I hope that this challenge will reconnect one path and allow me to do something different.”

Reporter Ahn Soo-hyun ash@tvreport.co.kr / Photo = Otsuka Biru social media

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