‘Appeal’ Did Taldeok Camp also recruit part-time commenters? “Every video of Jang Won-young…” ” [Ex’s issue]


(Xports News Reporter Lee Chang-gyu) While YouTuber Taldeok Camp, who continued to maliciously slander Jang Won-young of the group IVE, appealed against the first trial ruling, suspicions were even raised that he may have hired a part-time commenter.

In the JTBC ‘Case Leader’ broadcast on the 18th, Jang Won-young said ‘Taldeok Camp’ It was reported that the lawsuit filed against the operator for damages was won, but Taldeok Camp appealed the result.

In a phone interview, Jang Won-young’s legal representative, lawyer Jeong Gyeong-seok, said, “We confirmed that (the Taldeok camp operator) was not born in 1976, but was born in 1988. “There was another article (on the Internet) that described the operator in a similar way, and I confirmed that it was almost correct,” he said.


He announced that the operator of Taldeok Camp had been sued for defamation, insult, and obstruction of business, and said, “(The operator) appealed after the report was made,” and, “In some ways, he may not have even known that the ruling had been made.” ;Because the appeal was submitted after the report was published yesterday, it appears that he was aware of the fact and appealed belatedly,” he explained.

Previously, Jang Won-young’s agency, Star Sheng Entertainment, said in an official statement, “Taldeok Camp seriously defamed our reputation by continuously spreading false information, which not only interfered with our company’s work but also caused serious pain to artists and fans. Accordingly, our company is doing our best to pursue civil and criminal liability through ongoing litigation.”

Starship filed two civil lawsuits and one criminal lawsuit against the operator of the defection camp. Among these, the lawsuit filed against Jang Won-young was ruled in favor last month due to a false confession as the other party did not respond. However, since Taldeok Camp appealed against this, it is expected that it will take a considerable amount of time until the legal battle is concluded.

Meanwhile, it came as a shock when it became known that a person presumed to be a defector in the defection camp recruited part-time workers through a bulletin board and encouraged them to post malicious comments. The post said, “Starting today, I’m looking for someone to leave a comment with a facial expression on every video of Jang Won-young on YouTube,”and “I’ll charge 50 won for a short comment and 100 won for a long comment.”In addition, examples of comments were also released, and they were filled with malicious content and caused discomfort.

Netizens who encountered this commented, “Would they have wanted to do that even though they spent all their money?” , “Why would someone who is old enough to act like that?” , and “It’s truly beyond imagination.” There was a reaction like this.

Photo = Xports News DB, ‘Case Leader’ broadcast capture

Reporter Lee Chang-gyu skywalkerlee@xportsnews.com

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