“Change the title”… IU, surprised heart with ‘Jeje’ ‘clever change of stance’ [Ex’s issue]


(Xports News Reporter Myung Hee-sook) Singer IU quickly changed the title of the pre-released song to ease the controversy. Her quick change of stance without causing trouble has earned her the public’s support.

On the 19th, IU’s agency EDAM Entertainment announced that IU’s pre-released song ‘Love wins’ will be released on the 24th. It was announced that the title will be changed to ‘Love wins all.’

Previously, IU announced the release of the pre-released song ‘Love Wins’ and introduced it as saying, “It contains the story of those who try to love until the end in a world that hinders love.”

However, as the title of the new song became known, some argued that ‘Love Wins’ had been used as a phrase to support sexual minorities, raising the possibility that it would be replaced with an image different from the existing slogan and its symbolism would fade. It was pointed out that there is. On the one hand, it was just a simple word, but some people had opinions that it was overinterpreted, and a heated argument continued.


IU would also have been unaware of this atmosphere. Accordingly, the agency changed the title four days after the song’s introduction, saying, “We accept concerns that the important message will be obscured by the title of this song, and we wish to further respect and support everyone who lives and loves in various ways.”The reason was stated.

Many people seem surprised by the somewhat unprecedented rapid acceptance of opinions. However, in the past, IU was embroiled in controversy over the sensational nature of her song ‘Jeje’, and as this also left room for various interpretations, various opinions clashed and the controversy continues to this day without being resolved. In the midst of this, IU suffered a fatal blow to her image, regardless of whether she intended it or not.

Was it because of this precedent? Despite the somewhat sensitive response, IU quickly changed the title and tried to quell the atmosphere. Ahead of her first activity in 2024, we look forward to the positive effects that smart decisions will bring.

Photo = Xports News DB, EDAM Entertainment

Reporter Myung Hee-sook aud666@xportsnews.com

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