[Comprehensive] A man who changed jobs 20 times in 10 years makes an absurd request to Seo Jang-hoon (‘Ask Me’)

[Ten Asia = Reporter Kim Seo-yoon]

Photo = KBS Joy
Photo = KBS Joy
Photo = KBS Joy
Photo = KBS Joy

Seo Jang-hoon ‘Ask Me’ I was angry at the storyteller.

In the 249th episode of ‘Ask Me Anything’ that aired on KBS Joy on the 8th, a person changed jobs again despite having changed jobs more than 20 times over 10 years without being desperate for work. The story of the storyteller who said he looked for ‘Ask Anything’ because he was thinking about it was also broadcast.

Since starting his first career as a salesperson at a department store, he has worked for over 20 companies, including an acquaintance’s company and a mask company. When Seo Jang-hoon asked, “Did you save up money?” in response to stories of people quitting their jobs with all kinds of excuses, such as being hit hard, feeling out of touch, or having failed relationships, the storyteller said, “I saved about 120 million,” and added, “I saved more than 100 million, but I don’t feel motivated anymore.” He left an absurd remark, saying, “I’m thinking about going into debt.”Seo Jang-hoon, who was angry at this, said, “I have to buy a house to live in in the future, but I don’t think I’ve saved enough to say I’ll go into debt, right?”When the storyteller could not sympathize at all, saying, “I don’t sympathize” and “You just have to live with your parents,” Lee Soo-geun also got angry and said, “Then you can live on your own.” In addition, Lee Soo-geun said, “Really.” The important thing is that you have continued to cause damage to a certain company.” He pointed out the attitude of the storyteller, saying, “There must have been many people in desperate need of that position.” Seo Jang-hoon also said, “Even though I changed jobs here and there to make money for 10 years, I don’t really know anything about society. He attacked with facts, saying, “It’s no different from a beginner.” When asked, “Is there a job you ultimately want to do?” he answered, “I want to broadcast games,” to the storyteller who still hasn’t come to his senses. Even though Lee Soo-geun, who felt frustrated, pointed out, “Okay, do something like that,” the storyteller, who had no clue, answered brightly, “Shall we do that?” , arousing the anger of the Bodhisattvas.Seo Jang-hoon lost the will to counsel. When the storyteller tried to send the storyteller away by saying, “Go home,” the storyteller said, “I have a favor to ask you.” He made an unexpected request, saying, “Please give me a meeting when I have been with the company for about a year.” Until the end, Seo Jang-hoon continued to say things that did not even seem like words. In addition, after going from being a businessman with sales worth 10 billion won to going bankrupt in an instant and becoming a recipient of basic livelihood security, he heard the shocking words “Are we beggars?” from his son, causing him to worry about raising children. The concerns of a Korean-Chinese couple who were worried about how to take care of their parents ahead of their wedding due to the missing story and their parents’ sudden notice of divorce were aired, and comedian Kim Hyun-young, who confessed to being the victim of a fraudulent marriage, received support for her last appearance video, which received over 1 million views. Looking at the comments, a message expressing gratitude was revealed, saying, “Thanks to Bodhisattva, I gained the courage to live again.” Also, at the opening of the broadcast, a psychological test was conducted to determine the values ​​of life, and Seo Jang-hoon said, The results showed that my lover and spouse, Lee Soo-geun, consider my work the most important, and both Bodhisattvas agreed to the result.Tenasia Reporter Kim Seo-yoon seogugu@tenasia.co.kr

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