‘Deadman’, which deals with the dangerous Mr. Barge, opens up a world we didn’t know about [SS Site]

Cho Jin-woong is giving a response at the production briefing session for the movie ‘Deadman’ held at Megabox Seongsu in Seoul on the 19th. 'Deadman' is a movie that tells the story of Man-jae Lee (played by Jin-woong Cho), the so-called ace of the barge business who makes money by living up to his name, and sets out to find the real culprit after being falsely accused of embezzling 100 billion won and living as a dead man. It will be released on the 7th of next month. It is scheduled to be released in 2024. 1. 19.Reporter Choi Seung-seop thunder@sportsseoul.com
Cho Jin-woong is giving a response at the production briefing session for the movie ‘Deadman’ held at Megabox Seongsu in Seoul on the 19th. ‘Deadman’ is a movie that tells the story of Man-jae Lee (played by Jin-woong Cho), the so-called ace of the barge business who makes money by living up to his name, and sets out to find the real culprit after being falsely accused of embezzling 100 billion won and living as a dead man. It will be released on the 7th of next month. It is scheduled to be released in 2024. 1. 19.Reporter Choi Seung-seop thunder@sportsseoul.com

[Sports Seoul | Reporter Jeong Ha-eun] ‘Deadman (directed by Ha Jun-won)’, a crime chase drama about the world of Bajijang that we didn’t know about, is coming to theaters.

‘Dead Man’ is the story of an ace in the business world who makes money based on his name, but after being falsely accused of embezzling 100 billion won and being forced to live as a ‘dead man,’ he sets out to track down people who are entangled with just one name and the life that was stolen from them.

‘Deadman’ is attracting attention as the debut film of director Ha Jun-won, who co-wrote the screenplay for Bong Joon-ho’s masterpiece ‘The Host’. Expectations are rising for the meeting of trusted actor Cho Jin-woong, who has captivated the public with his excellent acting sense, veteran actor Kim Hee-ae, who adds class to her work with her perfect character digestion, and next-generation actress Lee Soo-kyung, who shows off her solid acting skills.

On the 19th, a production briefing session for the movie ‘Deadman’ was held at Megabox Seongsu in Seongsu-dong, Seoul. On this day, director Ha Jun-won and actors Cho Jin-woong, Kim Hee-ae, and Lee Soo-kyung attended and shared various stories about the work.

Director Ha Jun-won is giving a greeting at the production briefing session for the movie ‘Deadman’ held at Megabox Seongsu in Seoul on the 19th. 'Deadman' is a movie that tells the story of Man-jae Lee (played by Jin-woong Cho), the so-called ace of the barge business who makes money by living up to his name, and sets out to find the real culprit after being falsely accused of embezzling 100 billion won and living as a dead man. It will be released on the 7th of next month. It is scheduled to be released in 2024. 1. 19.Reporter Choi Seung-seop thunder@sportsseoul.com
Director Ha Jun-won is giving a greeting at the production briefing session for the movie ‘Deadman’ held at Megabox Seongsu in Seoul on the 19th. ‘Deadman’ is a movie that tells the story of Man-jae Lee (played by Jin-woong Cho), the so-called ace of the barge business who makes money by living up to his name, and sets out to find the real culprit after being falsely accused of embezzling 100 billion won and living as a dead man. It will be released on the 7th of next month. It is scheduled to be released in 2024. 1. 19.Reporter Choi Seung-seop thunder@sportsseoul.com

Director Ha said, “It looks like a linear story structure, but if you look closely, it is a story of three characters running for one name. When I designed the story, I thought of it as an orchestra performance. “The play was composed with Lee Man-jae as the instrument that can maximize the amplitude of emotions, Ms. Shim as the conductor, and Gong Hee-ju as the audience member,” he explained.

It also attracts attention that the main material is bajisajang. Director Ha said, “Everyone is born with a name, and aren’t they responsible for their name, including their signature and seal? “As I live, I think I come across people who do not take responsibility for their own names,” he said. “As a director and writer, I am concerned about social issues as I see various incidents where the person who should be responsible when a problem occurs does not take responsibility and instead takes the place in the name of an agent.” I felt conscious. “I thought I should try to tell this as a popular story, and then I thought of the topic of President Baji,” he explained.

Director Ha, who said it took five years to cover the story, said, “There was a lot of dangerous coverage. “He tried to make a fun movie that you can enjoy with a huge amount of material,” he said.

Kim Hee-ae is giving a response at the production briefing session for the movie ‘Deadman’ held at Megabox Seongsu in Seoul on the 19th. 'Deadman' is a movie that tells the story of Man-jae Lee (played by Jin-woong Cho), the so-called ace of the barge business who makes money by living up to his name, and sets out to find the real culprit after being falsely accused of embezzling 100 billion won and living as a dead man. It will be released on the 7th of next month. It is scheduled to be released in 2024. 1. 19.Reporter Choi Seung-seop thunder@sportsseoul.com
Kim Hee-ae is giving a response at the production briefing session for the movie ‘Deadman’ held at Megabox Seongsu in Seoul on the 19th. ‘Deadman’ is a movie that tells the story of Man-jae Lee (played by Jin-woong Cho), the so-called ace of the barge business who makes money by living up to his name, and sets out to find the real culprit after being falsely accused of embezzling 100 billion won and living as a dead man. It will be released on the 7th of next month. It is scheduled to be released in 2024. 1. 19.Reporter Choi Seung-seop thunder@sportsseoul.com

Lee Man-jae, played by Cho Jin-woong, is a man who went from being the ace of the business world to a ‘dead man’ after having everything taken away from him overnight. He will perform a chase as he struggles to regain his name, family, and life. Cho Jin-woong, who has captivated the audience with his diverse appearances regardless of genre and character, such as ‘Black Money’, ‘Solo War’, ‘Duke’, ‘The Perfect Stranger’, ‘Signal’, ‘The Handmaiden’, and ‘Assassination’, said, “At first, it was very difficult. I felt it was a well-made story. I heard that the director spent 5 years researching to make this movie. He expressed his satisfaction with ‘Deadman’, saying, “It was attractive because the meticulousness of the scenario was intact.”

Mrs. Shim, played by Kim Hee-ae, is the best political consultant who can instantly control numerous members of the National Assembly with her outstanding eloquence and overwhelming charisma. Her tension with Barge President Lee Man-jae adds to the tension in the play. Veteran actress Kim Hee-ae, who adds class to her work with her extraordinary character digestion in ‘The World of the Married’, ‘To Yoon-hee’, and ‘Her Story’, said, “Any actress would covet it,”and expressed her love for the character of Ms. Shim. Showed affection. He said, “Director Bong Joon-ho also said that the character of Mrs. Shim is unfamiliar even in Korea. “She was a very mysterious and precious role for me,” he added.

Kim Hee-ae is listening to answers from other cast members at the production briefing for the movie ‘Deadman’ held at Megabox Seongsu in Seoul on the 19th. 'Deadman' is a movie that tells the story of Man-jae Lee (played by Jin-woong Cho), the so-called ace of the barge business who makes money by living up to his name, and sets out to find the real culprit after being falsely accused of embezzling 100 billion won and living as a dead man. It will be released on the 7th of next month. It is scheduled to be released in 2024. 1. 19.Reporter Choi Seung-seop thunder@sportsseoul.com
Kim Hee-ae is listening to answers from other cast members at the production briefing for the movie ‘Deadman’ held at Megabox Seongsu in Seoul on the 19th. ‘Deadman’ is a movie that tells the story of Man-jae Lee (played by Jin-woong Cho), the so-called ace of the barge business who makes money by living up to his name, and sets out to find the real culprit after being falsely accused of embezzling 100 billion won and living as a dead man. It will be released on the 7th of next month. It is scheduled to be released in 2024. 1. 19.Reporter Choi Seung-seop thunder@sportsseoul.com

Kim Hee-ae, who also needed an external transformation, said, “The makeup and hair team tried their best to look like me. “The most exciting and fun part of the job was to make the actor look different from his previous characters,” she said. In particular, Director Ha said of Kim Hee-ae, “It is a great honor to work with her on her debut film. “At the time, she was worried because she had just finished ‘The World of the Married,’ but she was grateful that Ms. Shim accepted,” she said.

Lee Soo-kyung plays the role of Gong Hee-joo, who believes that her father’s (played by Kim Won-hae) wrongful death is Lee Man-jae’s fault and vows revenge. She foretells her unstoppable performance, full of gangsterism and evil. Lee Soo-kyung, who showed off her solid acting skills through ‘Silence’ and ‘Miracle’, shows off her unique side in her movie ‘Dead Man’. Lee Soo-kyung said, “When I saw the scenario, I thought she was a persistent and hot woman. “It was fascinating to see her change after meeting Lee Man-jae,” she explained about her character.

Lee Soo-kyung is giving a response at the production briefing session for the movie ‘Deadman’ held at Megabox Seongsu in Seoul on the 19th. 'Deadman' is a movie that tells the story of Man-jae Lee (played by Jin-woong Cho), the so-called ace of the barge business who makes money by living up to his name, and sets out to find the real culprit after being falsely accused of embezzling 100 billion won and living as a dead man. It will be released on the 7th of next month. It is scheduled to be released in 2024. 1. 19.Reporter Choi Seung-seop thunder@sportsseoul.com
Lee Soo-kyung is giving a response at the production briefing session for the movie ‘Deadman’ held at Megabox Seongsu in Seoul on the 19th. ‘Deadman’ is a movie that tells the story of Man-jae Lee (played by Jin-woong Cho), the so-called ace of the barge business who makes money by living up to his name, and sets out to find the real culprit after being falsely accused of embezzling 100 billion won and living as a dead man. It will be released on the 7th of next month. It is scheduled to be released in 2024. 1. 19.Reporter Choi Seung-seop thunder@sportsseoul.com

Lee Soo-kyung also expressed her feelings about working with her seniors Cho Jin-woong and Kim Hee-ae. Lee Soo-kyung said, “When she was in middle school and attending acting academy, she chose senior Kim Hee-ae as the actress she admired the most. “Even though he was right in front of her, the senior’s appearance was really cool,” she said, revealing her fandom by saying, “Senior Cho Jin-woong liked ‘Deep-Rooted Tree’ from the beginning and even set it as his cell phone wallpaper.”

Finally, Director Ha said, “My first work is a crime movie, and I like this genre of movies. “I think it is a virtue as a director of popular films to make films that have a clear sense of subject matter, have a message for the audience, and are also interesting to the general public,” he said, asking for interest in future films.

‘Deadman’ will be released on February 7th. jayee212@sportsseoul.com

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