Former idol member accuses industry leader of sexual harassment: “I washed my body until it bled.”

Endo My Social Media
Endo My Social Media

[News Reporter Park Soo-in]

Mai Endo, a member of the Japanese idol group Idoling, confessed that she had been sexually harassed in the past.

Mai Endo recently revealed on her personal social media that she was a victim of sexual harassment in solidarity and support of the MeToo accusation that has recently surfaced in the Japanese entertainment industry.

Mai Endo writes about her experience because people say, “If you’ve experienced sexual harm, why didn’t you raise your voice?”I was invited to an after-party by people I trusted at the time, and without a doubt, I attended. On the way back, a drunk industry leader pushed me into a taxi. Since I knew everyone there, I couldn’t resist violently and refuse to ride, so I ended up taking a taxi. That person forcibly touched my body in the car and said, “Do you know how much I like you?” “She said she would walk me home, but she got off right away,” she said.

He continued, “I was shocked, so I called the person I was dating at the time, but he scolded me, saying, ‘You’re bad for showing me a loophole,”and my voice can’t reach you.’ I was desperate. I might have been able to report it and make a big deal out of it, but I didn’t want to think about the perpetrator anymore, so I told my manager at the time the truth and asked him to never have anything to do with that person in the future. “I tried hard to erase that person from my memory,” he confessed.

At the same time, Mai Endo said, “I wasn’t sexually assaulted, but I wanted to wash my body after being sexually assaulted, so I took a long shower and washed my body to the point where it bled.””She is a victim and is often told to call the police right away so she can leave evidence, but how many strong women can make a cool decision in a state of shock and leave a bad feeling alone?” she wonders. raised.

Mai Endo said, “When I was victimized, there were no accusations like now, but with the current trend, I think I can speak out. With just one person’s voice, it was clear that he was crushed before power. “I think there may be people who have gained courage after seeing the person who reported the accusation and are finally able to speak out,” he added.

Meanwhile, Idoling, the group that Mai Endo belonged to, debuted in 2007 but announced its disbandment in 2015. (Photo = Endo My Social Media)

On the news, Park Soo-in abc159@

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