“Going to court” Kim Heera VS “Informant’s testimony revealed” Dispatch… All-out war ing [Ex’s issue]


(Xports News Reporter Kim Hyun-jung) Actress Kim Hee-ra’s side and entertainment media outlet Dispatch are continuing an all-out war over the ‘school violence controversy’.

On the morning of the 11th, Dispatch published the testimony of the so-called ‘first group of informants’, including A, who first reported the suspicion of Kim Heera’s school violence, as well as B, C, and D, the second, third, and fourth informants who gave strength to A’s revelations.. He added that their testimony was not covered in the initial article.

According to Dispatch, A sent a tip-off email and cried during the interview, but was later informed not to include it in the article because the misunderstanding with Kim Heera had been resolved. In the meantime, Dispatch explained that she received additional information about Kim Hee-ra’s influence, social service disposition, etc., and that led her to report on Kim Hee-ra’s school days.

Dispatch acknowledged Kim Heera’s neglect or sympathy for what Big Sanji did, and the media announced that the article covered Kim Heera’s explanation, awakening, growth, and reflection. Regarding participation in the assault, an explanation was published that Kim Heera denied it, but later Kim Heera released a statement refuting that she did not commit the assault.

Public opinion seemed to have taken a turn when a post by an alumnus cheering for Heera Kim appeared. However, before the start of the performance of the musical ‘Frida’ on the 9th, Dispatch reported H’s story to Kim Hee-ra that she had been subjected to violence during her school days.

Then, Daily Sports reported A and B’s claims, saying, “It was H who was behaving really badly,” and “I was assaulted by H.” Kim Heera’s side also refuted the Dispatch report by releasing the entire transcript of the phone call with H.

Dispatch announced on the 11th that informants A and B had changed their statements.

Dispatch corrected the situation by saying that A was born in 1991 and is Kim Hee-ra’s junior by two years, and that she did not go to school with H. H was assaulted by Kim Heera when he was in the second grade, and A was in the sixth grade of elementary school at the time.

In the case of B, regarding B’s claim to Daily Sports, “I visited the media with A. I was angry after hearing that I was a ‘bat’ in the media and gave false testimony,”he said, “B has never visited.”.

He also denied it, saying, “It was not Dispatch that reported that ‘B is called ‘Bat’ (among Kim Hee-ra’s friends).”

Dispatch pointed out that although it did not cover the testimony of A, B, C, and D at all, A and B delivered false information to Daily Sports.


Meanwhile, on the morning of the 11th, Kim Hee-ra’s agency said in an official press release, “The first news media not only maliciously edited and reported the informant’s words contrary to the facts, but also applied ‘a scandalous crime’ by adding that they were considerate of the agency and the artist. “I tried to convey the nuance and rationalize the legitimacy of the report,” he claimed.

He continued, “The media in question visited the media on May 17th without an official from the agency and explained the suspicions to Kim Hee-ra, saying, ‘If you admit it, I will adjust the level of the article. If so, it will be like the Kim OO incident, so I will allow you to return.’ He added, “They cajoled and coerced Eora.”

Kim Hee-ra’s side said, “The media said that they had already finished reporting in May and delayed the article out of consideration for Kim Hee-ra, who is about to air her drama. However, even though the initial informants and Kim Hee-ra resolved the misunderstanding and conveyed it to the media, the media remained suspicious. He expressed his dissatisfaction by saying, “It was reported in the article.”

He continued, “The rights of many individuals are being violated due to the recent suspicions raised against Heera Kim. Due to the standard and generalization error frame regarding celebrities that ‘even if there is a fight, they are bullies and school bullies’, even people who are not related are being bullied and bullied just because they are members of a cafe.”He raised his voice, saying, “Suspected victims are increasing one after another. I sincerely hope that there will be no more victims due to indiscriminate reporting practices.”

He also said, “The truth of this incident will be determined legally until the end, and we will reveal everything in court, including errors in what the media called evidence and misunderstandings with the informants. We have caused concern to many people through an unpleasant incident. “I apologize once again,” he said, emphasizing that he would take legal action.

Photo = Xports News DB

Reporter Kim Hyeon-jeong khj3330@xportsnews.com

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