Heera Kim, another classmate’s testimony… “I’m a bystander too, no one can be honest” [X’s Issue]


(Xports News Reporter Hyunji Yoon) Another classmate of Heera Kim appeared and revealed what happened during her school days and the DMs she shared in 2021.

Recently, an article was posted on an online community by L saying that Heera Kim was a middle school classmate.

The author said, “I decided to write this in hopes that people would think again about the actress named Kim Hee-ra. At the beginning of the first semester, I made a big mistake with my speech and became distant from my friends and was bullied. It wasn’t about hitting or cursing, but everything. “It was just about gathering together, eating rice or ramen, and then going home,” he explained.

He continued, “I was going home after school, and he said, ‘Let’s go together.’ That was (Kimhi) Eora. I reluctantly took Eora home, and that day became the day I was free from bullying by my friends.”

He said, “Eora, who came to my house, said, ‘I’m going to eat well,’ ‘I’m sorry for leaving without doing the dishes,’ and ‘Let’s be friends.’” He revealed that he and Kim Heera continued to get along well after that. At the same time, he revealed the contents of DMs he shared with Kim Hee-ra in 2021. In the photo, L and Kim Heera are having a warm conversation, saying, “It’s been a while.”


The author, L, said in an interview with Star News, “I know H’s identity. If he did something like that, he should be criticized, but when he found out that the person who reported it was H, he wondered, ‘Can he really be so honorable?’ “I thought about it,” he said, claiming that H was a person with bad reputation.

He also testified about the group Kim Heera belonged to, “It wasn’t all bad. It was a group of friends who liked to hang out. It’s a pity that they’re pushing it too hard.”

L said, “(To Heera), criticize what needs to be criticized, but there are also good aspects, so I hope you will think twice. I was also a bystander. At the time, I was not mature enough, so I stood by with the thought, ‘If it’s not just me,’ then who else? “I guess I can’t be honest about it,” he added.

Meanwhile, Kim Heera was embroiled in controversy over school violence through Dispatch’s report, and the agency said, “Contrary to the facts, the informant’s words were maliciously edited and reported,”adding, “The truth of this incident will be determined legally until the end. “We want to reveal everything in court, including errors in what the media called evidence and misunderstandings with the informants,” he said.

Photo = Xports News DB, online community

Reporter Hyunji Yoon yhj@xportsnews.com

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