IU finally bowed her head in response to the backlash from sexual minorities “Change the name of the new song” [Ex’s issue]


(Xports News Reporter Myung Hee-sook) Singer IU recognized criticism from sexual minorities and changed the name of her new song.

On the 19th, IU’s agency EDAM Entertainment announced that IU’s pre-released song ‘Love wins’ will be released on the 24th. It was announced that the title will be changed to ‘Love wins all.’

The agency explained, “We accept concerns that the title of this song may obscure the important message, and we wish to further respect and support everyone who lives and loves in various ways.”

He continued, “If there is a word that is most opposed to the message contained in the song to be released, it would be ‘hatred.’” “This was also mentioned in detail in the track intro released on the 18th. “I sincerely hope that all love will win in a world without hate, and that the meaning of this song will be conveyed without hurting anyone,” he requested.

‘Love Winds’ has been used as a phrase to support sexual minorities. When it became known that the title of IU’s new song was the same, there was strong backlash and criticism from sexual minorities.


Previously, IU released the track intro for ‘Love Winds’ on the 18th and said, “Some people say this is an era of great hatred. It certainly doesn’t seem like a time when love is prevalent. In a gray world that becomes increasingly colder with visible hostility and indifference, it sometimes feels absurd to hope for victory using invisible love as a weapon. However, from what I have experienced first-hand, hate is always alone even when the momentum is good. On the other hand, even though it runs away, breaks apart, and fades away, love stays together forever. He explained the background of the song, saying, “Love has a good chance of winning.”

In addition, IU said, “It contains the story of people who try to love until the end in a world that hinders love,”but there were strong voices saying that there was a possibility that the slogan would be replaced by an image different from the existing slogan and its symbolism may fade.

In the end, IU accepted the opinions of sexual minorities and quickly changed the title. The atmosphere continues to be that it is a wise decision as the controversy over the title before the song is even released can damage the essence of the music. Anticipation for IU’s new song, which contains the hope that love will win in a world without hate, is growing even hotter.

Photo = Xports News DB, EDAM Entertainment

Reporter Myung Hee-sook aud666@xportsnews.com

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