IU, ‘Love Winds’ Why change the title? “Accepting the opinion that important messages are being obscured” [Full text]

▲ IU, V. Source| EDAMEntertainment
▲ IU, V. Source| EDAMEntertainment

[SPOTV News = Reporter Jang Jin-ri] Singer IU changes the title of her new song.

The agency EDAM Entertainment announced on the 19th that the title of IU’s pre-released song, which will be released on the 24th, will be changed from ‘Love Winds’ to ‘Love Winds All’.

IU decided to release ‘Love Winds’ as a song dedicated to her fans who have always supported her. However, after the song’s name was revealed, some people criticized the use of the LGBTQ slogan “Love Winds”in the title, tarnishing its existing meaning.

In the end, IU announced the change in the song’s name, saying, “We accept concerns that the important message will be obscured by the title of this song, and we want to further respect and support everyone who lives and loves in various ways.”

He continued, “I sincerely hope that all love will win in a world without hate, and that the meaning of this song will be conveyed without hurting anyone,” and added, “Starting today, we will continue teasing and promotion with the changed title.”

‘Love Winds’ BTS V appears in the music video.

The following is EDAM Entertainment’s official position in full.

This is EDAM Entertainment.

IU’s pre-released song <Love wins> is scheduled to be released today at 6pm on the 24th. Change the title to <Love wins all>

We accept concerns that the title of this song may obscure the important message, and we would like to further respect and support everyone who lives and loves in various ways.

If there is a word that is most opposed to the message contained in the song to be released, it would be ‘hatred.’ This was also mentioned in detail in the track intro released on the 18th. I sincerely hope that all love will win in a world without hate, and that the meaning of this song will be conveyed without hurting anyone.

Starting today, we will continue teasing and promotions with the changed title.

thank you

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