Lee Sang-yeop, who got married in March, “No premarital pregnancy, decided to get married like water” (Pyeon Restaurant)

(Photo = KBS 2TV ‘Newly Released Pyeon Restaurant’ capture)
(Photo = KBS 2TV ‘Newly Released Pyeon Restaurant’ capture)
(Photo = KBS 2TV ‘Newly Released Pyeon Restaurant’ capture)
(Photo = KBS 2TV ‘Newly Released Pyeon Restaurant’ capture)

[Reporter Lee Ha-na for Newsen]

Actor Lee Sang-yeop revealed his plans for the second generation.

On KBS 2TV’s ‘New Release Edition Restaurant’ broadcast on January 19, actor Lee Sang-yeop met his friend Jang Seong-gyu, who is the same age.

Lee Sang-yeop, who proved his friendship with Jang Seong-gyu with a deep hug, revealed the reason for inviting him, saying, “Sung-gyu takes such good care of me and cares about me that I wanted to invite him to the New Year’s party and give him something delicious.”

Jang Seong-gyu asked Lee Sang-yeop, who is about to get married in March, “You must be busy preparing for the wedding, right now?” Lee Sang-yeop said, “It’s okay. “(The bride-to-be) is thorough,” he said, adding, “I’m so grateful and sorry. It seems like only this person is preparing for marriage. “Even though I was next to him, it didn’t help much,” he answered.

Jang Seong-gyu, who got married when he was a rookie employee, said, “I’m a poor husband, so my wife prepared almost everything. Hajun was born before he settled down. “Thanks to Ha Jun, we were able to get married,” he said, and asked Lee Sang-yeop whether he was pregnant before marriage.

Lee Sang-yeop said, “We are not in a coma. “I decided to get married as naturally as water,” he said. “You are the first to announce my marriage. “I think I was really nervous that day,” he said, recalling the situation at the time. Jang Seong-gyu said, “I remember the look in your eyes at that time. When you told me you were getting married, I saw hearts in your eyes. “I felt that you were really in love,” he replied.

Seong-gyu Jang asked Lee Sang-yeop about his plans for the second generation. Lee Sang-yeop said, “I think that if heaven gives us blessings, we will go naturally. “Because we came this naturally.”

In the news, Lee Ha-na bliss21@

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