Orbit: “Appearance in ‘Devil’s Plan’? Not for the purpose of prize money… Kwak Jun-bin’s game skills have dropped significantly” (Cultwo Show)


(Xports News Reporter Lee Hyo-ban) Orbit mentioned an anecdote with Kwak Jun-bin in ‘Devil’s Plan’.

On SBS Power FM’s ‘2 O’Clock Escape Cultwo Show’ (hereinafter referred to as ‘Cultwo Show’), which aired on the 6th, singer Baekga appeared as a DJ and science YouTuber Orbita appeared as a guest. Orbit is appearing in Netflix’s ‘Devil’s Plan’.

Orbit announced that he was receiving malicious comments due to his appearance on ‘Devil’s Plan’.

He said, “The purpose of (appearing) itself was not to win prize money,” and he went to talk about science. He said, “I have to talk about science, but if I run out, there’s no one to listen, so I think about ways to make sure no one runs out.”

As a result, only 3 of the 12 episodes remained, but 8 people survived.

Orbit said that he keeps calculating ‘how can I avoid dying’ in the game room, and only talks about science when he comes to the dorm. However, most conversations at the dorm are edited.

He said, “(That’s why) he just seems like a strange person,”and “If you look at the mouths (behind the cast), they’re all talking about science.”


In particular, he revealed that because he talked a lot about science with his roommate, Kwak Jun-bin (Kwak Tube’s real name), Kwak Jun-bin’s gaming skills dropped significantly. Orbit explained the reason, saying, “(Kwak Jun-bin) continues to use his brain even in the dorm with me, so he uses his brain 24 hours a day until just before he falls asleep.”

Meanwhile, on this day, Orbit also responded to the ‘Devil’s Plan’ spoiler penalty. When Baek-ga asked, “The rumor is that the spoiler penalty is 300 million won, is it true?” he answered that he didn’t know, saying, “I didn’t read it closely…”

Photo = Xports News DB

Reporter Lee Hyo-ban khalf0721@xportsnews.com

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