State-of-the-art technology is mobilized to restore the taste of grandma’s cooking, and even experts are having a hard time.

MBC ‘What do you do when you hang out?’
MBC ‘What do you do when you hang out?’

[News Reporter Park Soo-in]

‘What do you do when you play?’ The members embark on a mission to restore grandmother’s taste.

MBC’s ‘What Do You Do When You Play?’ (directed by Kim Jin-yong, Jang Woo-sung, Jang Hyo-jong, Wang Jong-seok/writer Choi Hye-jeong), which will be aired on January 20th, will feature the ‘Hangout Restoration Center’ episode that returns after a year. Yoo Jae-seok, Haha, Joo Woo-jae, Park Jin-joo, Lee Yi-kyung, and Lee Mi-ju, who received a request to restore ○○ left behind by their deceased grandmother, set out to restore it together with the best experts in the industry.

In particular, this restoration was said to have been difficult in that it had to be carried out using the last 12 samples left behind by the deceased grandmother in a situation where there was no accurate recipe. Experts who heard the story for the first time also expressed their confusion and began the analysis with only a limited sample. Attention is focused on the results of the difficult ‘home-made restoration’, which even experts put a lot of effort into, to the extent that the restoration period alone takes four weeks.

Meanwhile, Yoo Jae-seok expresses admiration for the ‘home taste restoration’ work, which utilizes all cutting-edge technology as if conducting an experiment. Park Jin-ju, the leading contributor to the restoration of ‘Mokpo Jjondeugi’, and Haha, who claims to have an ‘extraordinary sense of taste’, are working together with experts working day and night on the restoration, giving us an idea of ​​the process of passion and effort. It is said that ‘Nolmeuum Restoration Center’ made efforts to restore the legacy left behind by her grandmother, not only the taste but also the shape, texture, and smell.

The sight of the members visiting the client’s house with tears in their eyes foretells a touching emotion. Lee Yi-kyung says, “I prepared this with the thought, ‘I hope you will be sucked into memories’ after eating this,” and she conveys her sincerity to the client. Yoo Jae-seok said, “I am nervous about the almost impossible challenge of restoring the taste of home cooking. “I’m nervous,” he said, drawing attention to the results of the restoration. Broadcast at 6:30 pm on the 20th. (Photo = MBC ‘What do you do when you hang out?’)

On the news, Park Soo-in abc159@

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