‘That egg’ Side “Attract Dougie Bus changed his mind during the interview… Broadcast in an inadequate state” [Ex’s issue]


(Xports News Reporter Yoon Hyun-ji) SBS ‘I want to know that’ The agency acknowledged that insufficient coverage of the Fifty Fifty episode was conducted.

According to the ‘Minutes of the 391st Viewer’s Committee August Meeting’ released by SBS on the 10th, Vice Chairman Lee Young-joo said, “‘I want to know that’ (hereinafter ‘know’ 39;)’s ‘Billboard and Girl Groups – Who Broken the Wings?’

Vice Chairman Lee said, “There are many complaints from viewers about the content of the broadcast,” and “There are many opinions that the broadcast consists of content already known to the public and does not contain newly revealed facts, or that it appears to be biased toward one side of the argument.”

He went on to point out, “There was some lack of details that would have allowed viewers to get closer to the truth of this incident,”and pointed out that there was a lack of explanation as to how the idol production systems of big entertainment companies and small and medium-sized production companies are different.

Also, “In a state like this case where the reality has not yet been revealed, it may be evaluated as somewhat unobjective. He said, “Considering the influence of ‘G-R’ on our society and the fact that it is before the court’s final decision is made, the program needs to be structured more carefully.”


In response to this, Lee Dong-hyeop, Liberal Arts 1CP, said, “These parts related to Fifty Fifty were broadcast last week, and after the broadcast, they said, “That’s right.”He answered, “We are at a stage where a lot of internal discussion is taking place within the team from a position of great reflection.”

He continued, “In some ways, since it is not a major subject of ‘GR’, more study should be done in areas such as fact checking and reflecting the positions of both sides, but it seems that there were clear shortcomings,”and added, “Viewers “There is an internal message that we must humbly accept the criticism and use it as an opportunity to internally reflect on why this happened,” he repeatedly reflected.

CP Lee said that he decided to proceed with the item despite many opposing opinions, saying, “There was an original promise that the CEO of Attract, the CEO of Dougie Bus, and even the members would appear and fully express their positions.” revealed about.

At the same time, when it was pointed out that it was not right to postpone the broadcast, saying, “They all changed their minds during the period of coverage,”he said, “It is not easy because we are going back to the 8-week system.”So, we decided to broadcast it in an inadequate state. He made an excuse, saying, “During the process, you could see there were some holes.”


Lastly, the “related part is “that’ He concluded by saying, “I would like to provide an answer that the team will thoroughly reflect on the matter and prevent similar problems from recurring.”

Meanwhile, ‘I Want to Know That’ covered the story of the truth behind the Fifty Fifty exclusive contract dispute and was criticized for being a biased broadcast. The production team has announced that they will prepare a sequel, but it has been reported that there are no set plans as of now.

Meanwhile, on the 21st, it was confirmed that the VOD service for the broadcast was discontinued. SBS told Xports News, “We have no special position.”

Photo = Xports News DB, SBS

Reporter Hyunji Yoon yhj@xportsnews.com

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