“Because it’s a monthly rent” Kyuhyun reveals his house without paying attention to interior design, has 2 refrigerators according to his taste (I live alone)

Capture from MBC ‘I Live Alone’
Capture from MBC ‘I Live Alone’
Capture from MBC ‘I Live Alone’
Capture from MBC ‘I Live Alone’

[News Reporter Seo Yuna]

Super Junior’s Kyuhyun’s first monthly rented house was revealed.

In the 529th episode of MBC’s entertainment ‘I Live Alone’ (hereinafter ‘Living Alone’), which aired on January 19, Kyuhyun’s new independent house was revealed.

On this day, Kyuhyun revealed his daily life after living alone for five and a half months. He debuted as a member of Super Junior in 2006 and lived in a dormitory for 17 years before becoming independent in August of last year.

His first home was neat and simple. When Key guessed, “I guess he’s not interested in interior design,”Kyuhyun explained the reason by saying, “Because it’s monthly rent, you have to change it to restore it to its original state.”The members were impressed, saying, “It’s utilitarian.”

Still, the house was neatly organized. Clothes were arranged neatly by color. Kyuhyun said, “The last time I bought clothes was 3 or 4 years ago. I don’t spend money on other things. Something I’m interested in. “I am interested in electronic devices and ample refrigeration space,” he explained.

In fact, Kyuhyun’s house had a stand-up TV, a large TV in the master bedroom and living room, and two desktops. There were four monitors. There were two refrigerators in the kitchen, which was surprising. Kyuhyun showed off his well-stocked kitchen and said, “I almost never order delivery food.” He boasted, “We have prepared a lot so that if you want to eat something, you can eat it right away.”

In the news, Seo Yuna stranger77@

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